Thursday, April 27, 2017

The “summer slide” occurs when students sit idle for 2-3 months. In comparison to the regular school year, a student’s daily academic rigor and routine may significantly slow down. Daily lessons are replaced with summer camp, day trips, and sometimes lots of lounging! These are all important things and the value of summer camp and/or a relaxed summer schedule isn’t being challenged. But, in addition to all of these fun and exciting activities should be a daily routine for reading and/or “mind stretches”. Experts share that students who read during the summer gain reading skills. Those who do not read, consistently slide backward. According to Scholastic, research shows that struggling readers who read at least 6 books will have a better chance of not regressing over the summer months.

So how can you keep your child/students reading during the summer months? Here a some tips:

  •  Make sure your child has an active library card. Make it a point to visit the library regularly. Some libraries offer summer reading programs for children to participate in. Your local library is a primary summer resource; be sure to take advantage of it!
  •  Build time into your child’s daily schedule for reading. Just like during the school year, it is important to keep your child on a reading schedule.
  •  Keep a book in a bag! Take advantage of “wait time” (i.e. dentist appointment, long lines, etc.). Also, long car rides, train rides and time on the beach are great opportunities to read.
  • Provide a variety of reading materials for your students/children to choose from.
  • Lead by example. When your child is reading, show them that it something that the family can enjoy. Pick up a book and read along with them, or, get engrossed in one of the books that have been sitting on your reading list.
  • Read to your child. This helps to model fluency, strengthens vocabulary, and helps to improve listening comprehension.

Happy Reading,
Mrs. Mercer