Friday, October 7, 2016

Asia here we come!

Our trip around the world continues this month. We are flying high over Asia and it's many beautiful countries.  We have a quick layover in Japan, we have to get back for the book fair.  Here are a few books we will be exploring. 


All three of these books are set in Japan.  Two of them have similar stories one of them is considerably different.  Have you ever heard the phrase,"never judge a book by it's cover"?
This week the 3-6th grade had a lesson on that.  I would love it if they could tell you all about these books and the importance of carefully selecting a book. You never know what you are going to find in a library.  Ask them about these books and see what they remember.
First and second graders are working really hard at putting their books away properly.  This week we focused on finding the right "address" for the book.  Everything in our library has a place and finding the books "home" in alphabetical order can be tricky for our young ones.  Don't worry before long they will be wanting to organize your whole house.  

Safe Travels,
Mrs. Mercer